Leadership Development
Leadership Development:
The most important job of the leader of any organization is to develop all leaders across the organization. Can your team function without you? How deep is your bench? Is your team really ready for the incredible volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) the future is bringing? Are you ready? Is the organization ready for you to leave?
Individual leadership coaching is extremely helpful and often necessary, especially for new senior leaders and leaders who are struggling. To drive broad organizational change, leadership development is best undertaken as a top-down strategic imperative. I work with CEO’s and senior leadership teams to understand their individual and team opportunities to develop as transformational leaders in a transparent and supportive manner. This “walking the walk” sets the stage to do the same at the next management tier.
I am a certified practitioner of the Leadership Circle Profile 360 assessment tool (LCP) and the Collective Leadership Assessment (CLA) , the best-in-class tools to empower leaders and teams with clear and understandable 360° insights into their strengths and development opportunities. When the leadership team of an organization develops a common language around the competencies needed to survive and thrive in a VUCA world and develops a feedback rich environment supportive of each leaders’ development, the organization will soar. I will work with you and your team to design a leadership development approach utilizing the LCP assessment and framework. We will work with each leader or team to create a development plan oriented around “One big thing” that will jumpstart their leadership potential.
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